DIY Curb Appeal on a Budget

Springtime is one of my favorite seasons. Why? The flowers are blooming, the smell of fresh cut grass is in the air and the temperature is absolutely perfect! Because of this (and many other factors), spring is also a very popular time to list a home.

If you’re preparing to sell your home, curb appeal should be a priority. When someone is walking by or coming to your open house, the outside of your home is the very FIRST thing they will see. If there is no curb appeal, potential buyers may never even set foot in your home. Instead of ignoring your home’s outdoor appearance, consider making some budget-friendly changes that can add appeal to your home without breaking the bank.

I got to chat with Emily from Redfin about this topic and she spills more of my secrets on increasing curb appeal over on the Redfin Blog!

Click HERE to read the full article, “5 DIY Ways to Increase Curb Appeal and Attract Buyers on a Budget.”


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