We are all thankful for the many drawers and cabinets in kitchens today, but they make it easy for us to hide our clutter instead of getting rid of it. If you have reached the point where you can no longer open a door in your kitchen without having something fall out, it is time […]


After polling our followers, asking our friends, taking a good hard look at our own house, the over-whelming winner of ‘What area in your house would Mom like organized?’ is the kitchen DROP ZONE! So, for Mother’s Day this year, let’s spend some time with Mom for Mom! Creating a system to help keep everyone […]


If you are preparing to sell your home, you already know about the concept of staging. While most people think about pretty flowers in the front yard and the perfectly set table in the dining room, the fact is that staging is much more than nice lifestyle elements. Staging is something that should be considered […]


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